Strengthen Your Soul by Restoring Your Body

exercise your soulWe live in an ecosystem that has evolved far beyond what would be considered “natural”.  We grow up and adapt to an environment made of metals, concrete and paved roads.  Our trees are replaced by wires, our food is stored in a grocer, and our hunt is turned into a 9 – 5 work period.  We live in world where people review the reviews of treadmills.

Now a days we don’t have to worry about protecting our bodies.  With health care, charities, welfare, and food stamps, protecting our bodies isn’t a challenge. A hundred years ago men would till soil and watch over their crops and livestock.  If they didn’t take care of their crops they would starve.  Before that men lived off the hunt.  If they couldn’t secure their food and provisions then they would starve.

We live in a world where a languid lifestyle is basically a default setting.  8 hours in the office and then the rest of the day on the couch.  It is this sedentary lifestyle that is weakening your health.  This is not a physical threat to you.  There is no time in your life where you will have to run from wild animals.

However, the body and the soul are connected.  When we work for something, when we turn our desires into action, we build strength and discipline.  We become more and more powerful and concrete.  You can fortify your soul by strengthening your body.  A soul can be shaken by lack of confidence, insecurity, black wonder.  Exercise can help all these.


Workouts at Work

Working out is so important for our health. Finding time to get a workout in can be very difficult. With the hustle and bustle of everyday life some people cut working out when life gets busy. What if there was a way you could multitask while you workout. One way to get a workout in when life gets crazy is to workout at work. Wouldn’t it be great if you could run on a treadmill while you work. Well they do make a desk that fits above a treadmill so you can work while you run but for the rest of us who don’t have a treadmill at work there are exercise that you can do at work without any equipment. Using your own body weight can actually give you one of the best workouts you can get. Now if you want to look like a body builder you are going to obviously have to hit the gym and grab some serious weights. However, for the rest of us who are just looking to lose a few extra pounds no weights are needed. The key to working out at work is to get your heart rate up. By getting your heart rate up you can burn calories and start to trim that fat. Try these basic workouts at work at let me know how they work for you. Add dumbbells and bands to make these workouts even better.

Try 3 sets of these 5 workouts.

Push ups  (15 reps)

Raise and lower your body using the arms.

Chair dips (10 Reps)

With your legs out in front of you, grab the edge of a chair (or desk) and lift yourself down and back up. At the end, you’ll be conveniently back in your seat.

Jump Squats (10 Reps)

Make sure you have space in front of you. Bend into a half-squat with your arms behind you, then jump and swing your arms up as if you’re celebrating.

Wall Sits (10 reps 60 seconds)

With your back against the wall and your legs at a 90 degree angle sit back against the wall for 60 seconds.

Jumping Jacks ( 25 Reps)

Jumping to a position with the legs spread wide and the hands touching overhead and then returning to a position with the feet together and the arms at the sides.

Exercise & Cool Off with Swimming

Summer is here and in full action, what better way to cool off and get in your workout then by swimming. According to this article from, swimming is “one of the best full-body workouts you can participate in.”

We’ve stated before how big of fans we are of swimming in a previous post, which you can find here. Swimming requires all of your muscles to work together to strengthen your whole body. It is especially good for your shoulders, arms, back and legs. And although swimming is a low-impact workout, it can really get your heart rate up depending how hard you push yourself with each stroke, it can be a great cardio workout.

We’ve told you before how cardio along with building lean muscle with weights are both going to help you effectively burn fat, you can read more about that here,. Swimming combines cardio while building muscle because you are using a variety of muscles with each stroke.

Here are even more benefits of swimming:

As you can see, swimming is not only a great pastime to cool off in the summer, it’s a great workout that is going to get your heart pumping and muscles working overtime, so find a pool and JUMP IN!

Try this Total-Body Swim Workout from Women’s Health Magazine to help get you started!

The Sport of Trampolining

trampolineTrampolines and other rebounders are a pretty commonplace sight in more households in the country. Trampolines have been around for the better part of a century, ever since circus acrobats were seen performing their aerial stunts and landing on the springy safety of their safety-nets.


Trampolines basically work on the mechanical power provided by an extending spring. These springs will store energy as potential elastic energy as they are stretched out and will then release the energy by snapping back into their neutral position and pulling back on the bouncing tarp that they are attached to.


Although the jumping surface of the modern trampoline isn’t springy enough to provide the jumper with any altitude it does have enough give to keep it from becoming disfigured or ruined during repeated bounces. All the energy supplied by the jumper is stored and released by the springs that attach the jumping surface to a necessarily solid steel frame.


Trampolining, or the act and sport of jumping on a trampoline, has become more than just a hobby for kids after school. In the year 2000 trampolining became an Olympic sport with rigid guidelines for its various aerial maneuvers.


If you want to have fun on your home trampoline you might want to try teaching yourself some tricks. You should do all of this with extreme caution since a miss-jump or a fall can lead to serious injury and potentially even death.


You might do well to have a more experienced jumper along to help you. As you try new tricks you will always be taking some kinds of risks but you can keep these risks to a minimum by not performing beyond your own abilities and by not showing off for members of the opposite sex.


One of the most basic maneuvers that will actually be well worth your time to learn is just a straight jump. Even if you have been jumping on a trampoline for years with your little brother it will still take a concentrated effort to get a straight, high jump without having your arms and legs flailing out during your flight.


Once you have this down you should work up to something of a routine in your jumping. All of your jumps should be evenly high and should be done in a controlled manner so that you land in as near as possible to the same place with every jump.


Different maneuvers that you can work into your routine are trucks, pikes and combinations of these moves with half turns or full turns. Even if these exercises seem lame it will probably take you a ridiculously long amount of time to be able to perform them one after the other with clean, straight bounces in-between.


Get Toned In Ten Minutes

Get your body in great shape in only ten minutes.  However, don’t get so excited.  This is ten minutes of extreme exercise.  Basically this is routine was made by condensing thirty minutes of exercise into just ten.  So if you are one of those people that has a need for speed and a debilitating lack of patience then this is for you.  Do this for 21 days and you will certainly start to notice some big time changes.

Do the routine in order. Each Exercise has a specific placement in the routine. This will move the tension through different muscle groups, helping to maximize caloric burn and muscle tone.

Here is how it works do each of these routines for one minute each without stopping.  Give it all you have got. With exercise you only get as much as you give, so give it as much as you can.

Ok ready? start!!!

1 Start with jumping jacksstarter

2 Go straight into burbees

3 Plank with alternating leg lifts

4 Bicycle Crunches

5 Table Top Press


6 Lunge (weights are optional)


7 & 8 Side plank crunch (and then reverse, do the other side)

9 Cross body mountain climber

10. Run place (PUSH IT!)


Ab Exercises